Hepco & Becker bolsa interior Junior 40L izq., Negro Links, Schwarz

N°: 700501
Disponibilidad: Disponible en almacén: 1
MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
Black inner bag for Junior 40 side case left side

The left inner bag for the Junior 40 side case by Hepco & Becker is a practical addition to optimize the storage space in your side case. This specially tailored inner bag fits perfectly into the left side of the Junior 40 side case. With this inner bag, you can make the most of the available space in the side case and keep your items organized and protected. The bag is made of durable material and equipped with a sturdy zipper to keep your items safe and protected from dust. The inner bag significantly facilitates loading and unloading your Junior 40 side case and ensures efficient use of the available space.

Included in the package: 1x left inner bag for Junior 40 side case
MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
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MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
Quizá lo siguiente te puede interesar...
MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
MSRP: 70,00 *
61,59 *
Cantidad por referencia: trozo
* Todos los precios incluyendo con y sin impuestos Costo de envío.
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Hepco & Becker bolsa interior Junior 40L izq., Negro
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