Motorex Viso Clean cleaning cloth 6 pieces

Non.: 500155014
Disponibilité: Disponible en stock: 10+
11,89 *
Unité: pièce
VISCO-CLEAN quickly and effectively removes dust, insects, oil residues, etc. More safety thanks to a clear view without streaks. The small, handy cleaning set, consisting of a damp and a dry cloth, fits in every small bag and is therefore also ideal for travelling.
Helmet visor and helmet bowl, wind shield, light and flashing system

Box à 12 x 6 sets

>br> NOTE
Do not use Viso Clean on the inside! Since different manufacturers equip their helmets with coatings on the inside, we can not exclude the possibility that there may be reactions on the visor and this could impair visibility. In order to exclude any safety risk, we recommend cleaning the inside of the helmet according to the manufacturer`s instructions.
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Motorex Viso Clean cleaning cloth 6 pieces
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