Eni Engine oil 10W/60, i-ride racing, fully synthetic, 1 liter, 4-stroke

No.: 200096029
Disponibilità: Disponibile a magazzino: 10+
15,51 *
Contenuto: 1.00 Litri (15,51 * / 1.00 Litri)
Einheit: pezzo
Eni i-Ride racing 10W/60

Eni i-Ride racing 10W-60 is a high performance fully synthetic lubricant containing high performance additives to meet the needs of 4-stroke engines with high specific power.

The special synthetic bases used guarantee excellent resistance to high operating temperatures and excellent product stability thanks to the fundamental action of additives totally developed and manufactured by Eni. The characteristics of Eni i-Ride racing 10W-60 make it particularly suitable for use in racing engines.

A menudo se compran juntos
8,50 *
Einheit: pezzo
No.: 90706444
Disponibile a magazzino: 10+
1,34 *
Einheit: pezzo
8,25 *
Einheit: pezzo
4,55 *
Einheit: pezzo
No.: 90706444-Z
Disponibile a magazzino: 10+
0,76 *
Einheit: pezzo
18,50 *
Einheit: pezzo
2,45 *
Einheit: pezzo
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Eni Engine oil 10W/60, i-ride racing, fully synthetic, 1
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