motogadget mo.grip soft 22 mm, black

No.: 4000407
Disponibilità: 1-2 Settimane
39,00 *
Einheit: paio
The new mo.grip soft is a universal rubber grip for handle bars with 1 inch or 22 mm (7/8 inch) diameter in a attractive look. It`s the same strong characteristic design and dimensions like our successful Aluminium billet grip mo.grip.

Like the billet grip the mo.grip soft matches perfectly with the handle bar turn signal mo.blaze disc or mo.blaze cone and looks very harmonically with mo.switch mini. The optional rear view mirror mo.rear also integrates in this complete handle bar system.
A menudo se compran juntos
No.: 19707100
Disponibile a magazzino: 2
13,45 *
Einheit: pezzo
27,45 *
Einheit: pezzo
13,49 *
Einheit: pezzo
* tutti prezzi incl. IVA e plus Spese di spedizione.
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motogadget mo.grip soft 22 mm, black
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